Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stylish Look

How Water Is Related To Weight Loss

Water Contains Zero Calories
Because the calorie-content of water is zero, drinking water instead of milk, fruit juices or regular sodas helps to lower the calorie content of your diet and thus helps weight reduction. That said, water contains no nutrition either. By comparison, soft drinks like milk and fruit juice have significant nutritional content. Milk is a good source of calcium and protein, while citrus fruit juice (like orange or grapefruit juice) is an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, one glass of citrus fruit juice can meet all your daily vitamin C needs.

Water Can Fill You Up
Some dieters find it helpful to drink a glass of water when they feel hungry between meals, or just before a meal. However, I do not recommend this as a regular appetite-reduction tactic. Firstly, because hunger is an important indicator of low blood sugar, which water can do nothing to correct. And if blood sugar falls too low, it can lead to irresistible urges to eat junk food or binge. Secondly, drinking water purely to fill up your stomach is merely an artificial short-term measure which does nothing to help create the sort of eating habits that are essential for long term weight control.

Nutritional Alternatives to Water
If you wish to increase your fluid intake, a good option is to eat more fruit, like any citrus fruit. As stated above, as well as being rich in water, these foods are highly nutritious and rich in fiber. They help to fill up your stomach, satisfy your sweet tooth and boost your intake of vitamin C. Eating fruit is definitely a great eating habit to increase your chances of losing weight without regain.

Low Sodium Diets Reduce Water Retention
The body maintains a healthy fluid balance by a complex cell mechanism involving sodium, potassium and other electrolytes. In simple terms, if you eat too much salt (sodium) you will retain more water, leading to weight gain. Anyone who suffers from fluid retention and accompanying swelling (edema), especially women who experience premenstrual symptoms (PMS) or obese men with high blood pressure, is advised by dietitians to follow a low sodium diet (eg. the DASH diet). Ideally, limit your intake to 1000 milligrams of sodium per day, until the water retention eases.

Low Carb Diets Reduce Water Retention
Very low carb weight loss plans also reduce fluid retention, but not in a healthy way. In simple terms, because carbohydrate binds with water in the body, the fewer carbs you eat the less 'water weight' you carry. To many dieters this sounds a very effective way of reducing weight. Unfortunately, as soon as you return to eating a normal diet, the water weight returns. Meantime, by not eating healthy carbohydrate, most low carb dieters run an increased risk of nutritional deficiency. And an unhealthy body frequently leads to an inefficient metabolism and slower weight reduction.

Best Way To Reduce Excess Fluid Retention
Here are three tips to reduce unnecessary water retention.

- Reduce your sodium intake, (to 1000-3500 mg per day).
- Raise your calcium intake, (to 1200-1350 mg per day).
- Drink plenty of fluids, (8-10 glasses of water per day).
- Eat plenty of diuretic fruit and vegetables.
- The healthier your daily diet, the less water retention you'll have.

Nail Care Tips

Nail Care Tips
For your nails to be healthy your diet should include a lot of fruits and raw vegetables so that they get the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eat food that is rich in silicon like broccoli, fish and onions. Eat foods rich in biotins like whole grains. Drink plenty of water and other fruit juices. Food rich in zinc and vitamin B will strengthen your nails. Fresh carrot juice rich in calcium and phosphorous is perfect for strengthening nails. In addition remember the following things:

Lack of vitamin A and calcium in your body causes dryness and brittleness.
Lack of protein, folic acid and vitamin C causes hangnails.
White bands across the nails are a result of protein deficiency.
A lack of sufficient hydrochloric acid can cause splitting nails.
Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to dryness, very rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails.
Insufficient zinc can cause development of white spots on the nails.
Cuts and cracks in the nails may indicate a need for more liquids.
Red skin around your cuticles can be caused by poor metabolism of essential fatty acids.
It is advised to collect some guidelines to have healthy and glowing nails for your lifetime. To have good nails you should information about the following:
Nail Treatment
About Nail Growth
Facts of your foot wear: must be your nails-friendly
Nail Problems for Diabetic
Seasonal Nail Care
Weekly Nail Care

Bridal Makeup Tips

Wedding Day is the most important day in the life of a woman and every young girl desires to look at her best on this blessed day in her life. Here are some tips to make you look as gorgeous as a queen:

Use heavy-pigmented cream foundation and layer it with powder foundation to make the skin look smoother.
Use powder foundation on neck, ears and chest too so that you don't seem to have a painted face.
Use a concealer shade similar to the foundation and blend both well.
Learn some camouflage makeup tricks and buy its products to use on your big day.
If you have combination skin, use water based foundation and a dry sponge.
Hide the under eye circles by applying concealer. Blend it towards the nose and use downward strokes.
For a perfect eye shape, use a small brush to blend a medium tone color from just below the brow arch downwards in a semi-circle motion.
Use light peach eye shadow as eyelid base.
Choose lip liner that blends easily with lipstick for that soft glossy look that looks good in photographs too.
Place the focus on the face either on eyes or on lip and underplay the other with neutral pink or brown shades.
Thin and small lips look more sensuous with light lip colors while fuller lips can use deep shades.

10 Tips for Perfect Wedding Make-Up

So you've got the guy, the dress, the flowers and chosen a hairstyle, but what about your make-up? Here are a few tips that will ensure you look picture perfect when walking down the isle to say 'I-do'!

10 Tips for Perfect Wedding Make-Up
1. Beauty Regime before the big day
To get that glowing, fresh-faced look, there are a few things to consider a few weeks prior to your wedding day. A skin and nail care plan should be started about 6 weeks before the wedding. Talk to your beautician about having regular facials and manicures.

Don't get too much sun before your wedding. Sunburns and peeling skin shouldn't sabotage your wedding day. Consider Spray-on-tanning , a 100% natural way to achieve a tan. Ask Cristina about Golden Tropics Spray on Tan.

2. Body-Mind-Spirit
Don't forget the importance of Body-Mind-Spirit. What's going on inside is just as important to looking good. As you know preparing for a wedding is very stressful and if you are not looking after yourself by not getting enough sleep or not eating properly it will without a doubt show on your face!

If you are really stressed out consider having a relaxing massage once a week for a month and also a day before the wedding. Burn some relaxing essential oils around the house to help calm your nerves.

If you are having trouble sleeping try Valerian tea before going to bed, available from most health food shops

3. Trial
When you have chosen a make-up artist, organise a trial around 1-2 months before the wedding.

It is a good idea to have your bridesmaids with you to give their input and also advise what kind of look they want themselves.

Have pictures from magazines to show the make-up artist various looks that appeal to you.

Mention if you have any skin problems or allergies etc or if there are any particular ways you wear your make-up.

If you are having a day-time wedding it is ideal to organise the trial during the day as this will give you a better idea as to how the make-up will look

4. Have pictures and swatches of wedding dress and bridesmaid's dresses
Having pictures of the dresses will give the make-up artist a starting point for designing the perfect look for you and your bridesmaids.

Fabric swatches of the wedding dress and bridesmaid's dresses and a description of the flowers will also help when choosing colours. The colours should compliment both the dress and the flowers.

5. What look to go with
The style you choose for your wedding make-up will ultimately depend on your personal preference, but there are some other factors to consider:

The time of the ceremony -is it a day or evening wedding? A lighter, more natural look is more suited to a day wedding and a more dramatic look is suited to an evening one.

What time of year is your wedding? If you are having a Spring/Summer wedding, go for bright, pastel colours. Warm, deeper shades will lend themselves well to a winter wedding.

Your skin tones and hair colour? There are two colour palettes- warm or cool .

If you are Blond or fair skinned, cool tones of grey, blue, soft pink and lilac are ideal.

If you are brunette or olive skinned, warm neutral tones of brown, taupe, burgundy & red are more suited.

Remember your make up should be a little more dramatic than your everyday make-up as you can tend to look pale and wash-out in photos if your make-up doesn't stand out.

6. Your Face
Foundations with yellow undertones work best with flash photography.

Keep away from shimmer highlighters as this look will not show up well in photos and give a reflective shine.

Use a light dusting of translucent powder to prevent any unwanted shine.

Ask your make-up artist to use a bronzing powder to warm your skin tone and give a natural glow. Place on areas where the sun would naturally hit e.g. Forehead, cheeks and bridge of nose.

Blush- use more than not enough.

7. Your Eyes
The eye-area should be soft and natural with no heavy, dark lines.

Keep away from up to the minute eyeshadows and make-up trends as you will regret it when you look at your photos in years to come!

Use a brow pencil slightly darker than your hair colour and avoid heavy, dark shadows.

8. Your Lips
Use a lip-liner the same colour as your lipstick and avoid a noticeable or dark lip line.

The colour on your lips will depend on whether you are a warm or cool colour palette (see tip 5).

It is more flattering to define one area i.e. If you want dark, defined eyes, go for a lighter lip shade and if you want dark/bright lips go for natural, light eyes.

9. Timing
Ask your make-up artist to arrive as early as possible and allow plenty of time to get the job done. The last thing you want is to be rushed on your wedding day.

10. Touch Up Tips
Ask your mum or one of your bridesmaids to carry a powder compact, tissues and lipstick for touch ups during the day.